A class blog; Literature and Justice Through Photography. Containing literature (of course!) and lots of photos!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

White Peace Snow

Next assignment! I had to write a poem about the color that I took photos of last week (see last blog post.) My color was white, so here's my poem:

This is what others
in this color.
But where others see nothingness,
I see something.
Where others think empty
I think different.
What is empty that can always be filled;
white is a blank piece of paper waiting to be written on
white is a patch of fresh-fallen snow waiting to be trampled
by young booted feet.
What is lonely that can be content in its loneliness;
white is the snow falling outside
as I walk by myself
through the night
and I am content.
What is harsh can be transformed;
white is the snow that we run through
white is the snowballs that we throw
white is the snowman, clad in gloves and hats
sacrificed to his legacy.
What is cold is not necessarily bad;
white is the fog-breath that blows in puffs from
our red lips
white is the sky from which
snow falls softly,
Filled with our shouts and laughter,
our foot-prints,
our snowmen who
won't live forever.
peace and
joy and

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Color Assignment

First assignment! I had to take pictures of one color. Because
of the recent snowfall, I chose the color white. I managed to get
a lot of snow photos, and not so many indoor photos ;)

Photo 1: Path in Snow. There was a thin layer of snow that was packed down by many boots on the path.

Photo 2: Snow Boots. The snow was perfect building snow; and
some stuck on my boots.

Photo 3: Swingin' In the Snow. For this photo, I set two swings
swinging, so I could get a cool motion photo.

Photo 4: Snow Sports. I found this basketball on the ground, snow stuck to it. I don't know if that was because it had been played
with, or if it had just been snowed on.

Photo 5: Light. Finally, an indoors photo!! This photo is of lights
in the cafeteria.

Photo 6: Splatter. I don't know what this splatter was made from;
but I'm guessing white paint.

Photo 7: Shadow and light. A shadow from leaves of a plant inside.
(Another indoor photo!!)

Photo 8: Steps in the Snow. A few stairs outside, again with snow packed onto them.

That's my assignment for the day! I think I overdid it; I was only supposed to put five photos up here :)

Happy Snow Day!

Hellos and Goals

Hi! This is a blog for a photography/literature class; Literature and Justice Through Photography. I'll be posting class assignments, pictures and pieces of writing on here.

I have a few goals for this class; for both the photography aspect and the literature/creative writing aspect.


  • Personal Goal: To have fun taking photographs, and to increase my skills at photography.

  • Social Goal: To hopefully capture some things through photography that I want to change about our world, and by these photographs make people think about our world and things in it.

  • Intellectual Goal: By taking photographs of issues in the world, I want to think more about these issues myself and think about ways to fix them.


  • Personal Goal: To improve my writing, and to get new ideas for stories or poems.

  • Social Goal: To share some of my writing, by this website, with others besides family and friends.

  • Intellectual Goal: To use my photographs to inspire me to write new things, about new subjects.

I will aim to address some of these goals through this class, and using this website.